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  • How do I get a vending machine in my office?
    Just give us a call or fill out the contact us form, we will be in touch with you shortly.
  • How do I get a vending machine in my community?
    Just give us a call or fill out the contact us form, we will be in touch with you shortly.
  • What is required to place a vending machine in our space ?
    We just need a plug point under a covered roof. Rest the machine will take care of itself and our team will do the refilling.
  • Do we have to pay to get a BetterFoods vending machine in our space ?
    No need to. All we look for is a good location with visibility and a good number of eye balls. And some internal communication to encourage the people. We could customise for specific needs as well, and we can discuss the commercials on case to case basis.
  • Why do we have to download the mobile app ?
    Our goal for you is Not to spend more than 2 or 3 seconds infront of the machine. Best option is to pay from wallet in the mobile app, and avoid entering an external payment gateway, using OTP, PIN, CVV etc. While all this happen your friends may be waiting behind you with a 'grrr' face. We know time is pretty valuable for all of you. And also, app is going to show you pretty good offers. :)


We are a purpose driven startup in the healthy food space working towards making healthy eating possible.


Call or WhatsApp : +91 7780776406

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